Corn, Famine, Ethanol [December 24, 2021]
Progressive v. Loopy [December 15, 2021]
Enemies America Made [December 14, 2021]
A Thousand Brains by Jeff Hawkins [review] [December 6, 2021]
Time of the Magicians [November 12, 2021]
Seattle Election, Ann Davison, Republican Win [November 7, 2021]
Riots: Trump, Nicole Kennedy, and Me [October 17, 2021]
Coal Gone Wild [October 4, 2021]
Capitalism v. Socialism, What is a Fair Trial? [September 27, 2021]
Free At Last: Military Draft Enrollment No Longer Needed for Student Loans [September 26, 2021]
Homunculus Hash [September 12, 2021]
One Child Recommendation [August 31, 2021]
Death of Hugo and the Mystery of Past Reality [August 7, 2021]
Throwing Baseballs, Causes, Quanta and Neurons [June 21, 2021]
Epistemology and Me [June 18, 2021]
Will Seattle Backlash? [June 13, 2021]
Seattle Mayor's Race Insights [May 27, 2021]
Green New Deal v. Slow Motion Apocalypse [May 20, 2021]
Review of Patricia Churchland's Touching a Nerve [April 25, 2021]
Seattle Mayor Election, Homelessness, Sports Palaces [April 18, 2021]
Alaska Connection Infrastructure [April 7, 2021]
China, Population, and Famine [March 30, 2021]
Coal, Forests and Population: An Industrial Lesson [March 24, 2021]
Dismal Science [March 17, 2021]
Inequality at the Bottom [March 11, 2021]
Machines, The Job, and Time [February 20, 2021]
Competence/Incompetence v. Socialism/Capitalism [February 7, 2021]
My Interview with a Terrorist [January 30, 2021]
Do People Have a Right to Procreate? [January 15, 2021]