Miles on Movies That 70's Show 12/1/2006 As for Ashton Kucher, until recently I dismissed or ignored the guy (pretty boy/older celebrity wife, blah, blah, blah) until I started watching the reruns of “That 70’s Show” on FX and other secondary network channels. I’ve been viewing that sit-com for my first time over the last four months, and it’s Great! Funny, well written and how many mainstream TV shows have ever before openly acknowledged, accepted and gently made fun of dope smoking sexually active teenagers? Not any I can think of. If you’re not already a convert, or an anti-TV zealot, give it a chance, you’ll be rewarded. While it bears little similarity to the late seventies as I experienced and remember them, it comments wryly on those times and our own. And Laura Prepon as Donna Piziotti is luminous!!!Main Film review page |