"And I would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes assembled around the Parthenon as they discussed the great and eternal issues of reality. But I wouldn't stop there."
Look here for commentary by William P. Meyers. Commentary can be about just about anything including current events, technology and science, economics, and culture. You can also search this site by topic. And you can find William at Facebook
Trump, Catiline, Cato and Cicero [March 22, 2025]
The Nature of the Gods, Cicero, and America [March 12, 2025]
Democrats Day One Challenge [March 8, 2025]
Global EPA Should Replace 2015 Paris Agreement [February 26, 2025]
How Trump Will Make America Second Rate [February 26, 2025]
Democrats Need More White Voters [February 15, 2025]
Legal Pathway to a Global EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for the U.S.A. [February 5, 2025]
East Mexico (formerly Florida) [January 22, 2025]
Parallel Lives: Donald Trump and Constantine the Great [January 14, 2025]
End U.S. Veto at United Nations [January 2, 2025]
God, Death, Sodom and Gamorrah [December 25, 2024]
Plastic Fiasco Shows Need for EPA of Earth [December 10, 2024]
War Lord World [December 6, 2024]
COP29 Fails: Time for a Government of Earth [December 3, 2024]
Insect Apocalypse [November 23, 2024]
Global Pact for the Environment or Government of Earth? [November 18, 2024]
Santa Claus to Move to South Pole [November 13, 2024]
Goodbye Environment (Die, Die, Die) [November 6, 2024]
Spooky Mao Zedong (and Donald Trump) [November 2, 2024]
2015 Paris Agreement and Provisional Government of Earth [October 21, 2024]
Human Carbon Units [September 24, 2024]
Legal Path to Government of Earth for the U.S.A. [August 18, 2024]
Japanese War Crimes? Book Review of Judgment at Tokyo [August 11, 2024]
The Earth Needs a Global EPA [August 5, 2024]
Harris for President [July 27, 2024]
Crimes Against Earth: Overpopulation [July 23, 2024]
Provisional Governments and Ex Post Facto Laws [July 16, 2024]
Considering Antonio Guterres [June 12, 2024]
Paths to a Provisional Government of Earth [June 2, 2024]
Thoughts on the Provisional Government of Earth [May 30, 2024]
Braunschweiger [May 8, 2024]
Man's Fate (1927 Shanghai Rebellion) [April 15, 2024]
On Introspection [March 30, 2024]
Population v. Consumption Debate: Look at Cars [March 21, 2024]
Fires, Floods, Famine: Nations in the Slow Motion Apocalypse [March 12, 2024]
2025 Famine Potential in the U.S. [February 3, 2024]
Ancient Genocide [January 12, 2024]
The Right to Public Safety [January 7, 2024]
Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind [December 29, 2023]
Forty Acres, a Mule, and Repairing Things [November 17, 2023]
Criminal Cults, Ananias and Sapphira [November 12, 2023]
On the Jury: the Murder of Lilly Jane Nguyen [October 27, 2023]
Pope Leo I, Attila the Hun, Genseric [October 8, 2023]
Building Codes, Homelessness, and Risks [September 12, 2023]
TrumpThink [August 18, 2023]
Work First [August 14, 2023]
The Real Resume [July 23, 2023]
Crime, Poverty, and Housing [July 4, 2023]
Infanticide in England, 1830s [June 28, 2023]
Mind Over Matter, Left and Right [June 23, 2023]
Progressives Trip Over Drug Policy [June 14, 2023]
1939: Grapes of Wrath [June 8, 2023]
Five Mean White Men in a Room [May 31, 2023]
From Classism to Racism [May 28, 2023]
Ice Melt [May 27, 2023]
Seattle Cars and Leftist Contradictions [May 21, 2023]
Junkies, Vocabulary and Poor Choices [April 18, 2023]
Hypocrisy: Coal Miners v. Green Flyers [April 16, 2023]
Population, Population, Population (again) [April 9, 2023]
Darwin's Other Cause: Animal Rights [March 27, 2023]
Talking With Marie Gluesenkamp Perez [March 17, 2023]
Obesity, Global Warming, and Future Famines [March 11, 2023]
War Crimes Redux [March 4, 2023]
Overlooked: Darwin's Sisters, Aunts and Cousins [February 26, 2023]
Prepping and Government [February 23, 2023]
How Will People Act When There Is No Food In The USA? [February 13, 2023]
Boeing 747: Planet Killer [February 5, 2023]
The Radical Potter [January 29, 2023]
Quitting, Darwin, and Wedgwood Pottery [January 16, 2023]
Not Crazy: Anti-Masons, Nativists, Whigs, Free Soilers, Know-Nothings [January 8, 2023]
Grim Outlook for 2023 [January 1, 2023]
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